Carlie Lewis

Carlie Lewis
Project Coordinator, Edmonton

We are please to introduce you to Carlie Lewis, BSc., PBIT.

Carlie Lewis graduated from the University of Alberta with a Bachelor of Science in Biology in 2014. Her passions for science and travel have taken her around the world from conducting biodiversity monitoring in the foothills of Romania to teaching in Japan. Upon returning to Canada in 2022, Carlie transitioned into environmental science when she obtained a certificate in Land Reclamation from the University of Alberta and a position as Project Coordinator at SYLVIS shortly thereafter.

In her role as a Project Coordinator, Carlie has had the opportunity to support projects including the EPCOR Dewatered Biosolids Non-agricultural Program, BIOSALIX Legacy Monitoring at Paintearth Mine, and SYLVIS’s Applied Research within both the Weyerhaeuser Ash Management Program and the EPCOR Dewatered Biosolids Non-agricultural Program. Her responsibilities include supervising hauling and residual application operations, conducting environmental sampling and research, managing project data, and assisting in writing reports.

In her free time, you can find Carlie volunteering for local environmental conservation initiatives such as CPAWS and the May Plant Count, or at home getting cozy and crafting with her two cats.